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About us

The National Post Doc Symposium (NPDS) is an endeavor to bring together Early Career Researchers (ECRs) including Postdocs and late stage PhD scholars in the field of Life Sciences in India.  

​This symposium primarily aspires to:

  1. Introduce ECRs to diverse career avenues and facilitate their professional growth.

  2. Provide opportunity to network and engage with leaders from different sectors of the community. 

  3. Serve as a platform to amplify the voice of ECRs in India and strategize action plans to build an inclusive, diverse, conducive and collaborative scientific community. 


The event features panel discussions, mentor-mentee interaction and skill-development workshops from highly trained individuals to help ECRs build skill sets required in their future endeavors.

​Since 2017, the symposium has been an annual venture, initiated by volunteers from the Post-Doctoral Fellows Association (PDFA) of Bangalore Life Science Cluster (BLiSC) comprising of NCBS, InStem, TIGS and C-Camp. The symposium is organized in collaboration with a partner-institute and has been hosted in the past at CCMB Hyderabad, IISER Pune, IISER Kolkata and IISER Thiruvananthapuram. This year, the BLiSC campus is collaborating with Ashoka University, Sonipat to organize the 6th iteration of the symposium 'Science and Society- Vision to Transition', from October 12th-14th, 2023. 

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